Monday, March 16, 2015

A & Q Strategy

A & Q

What is it?

A tool that tests students’ knowledge of a given topic by giving them an answer (e.g. “Henry VIII) and having them generate possible questions (“Who was an English king? Who had lots of wives?)

What are the benefits of using this tool?

In order to teach our students effectively, we need to determine what they already know and understand about the material we’re planning to cover. Involving students in an A & Q session (answer and question, as opposed to question and answer) is a fun and engaging way to do this. The A & Q format encourages students to exercise their creative thinking skills and interact with their classmates. It also prepares them for the learning to come by helping them activate their prior knowledge.

What are the basic steps?

1.     Explain the A & Q format to students. (You’ll give them an answer and they’ll come up with as many possible questions for the answer as they can in a given amount of time.)

2.     Before engaging students in an A & Q session about your content, let them practice as a class using a familiar topic like pets, food, or music, see sample dialog below.


a.     Teacher:  If “dog” is the answer, what are some possible questions?

b.     Students: What’s a four-legged animal with fur? What do police use to locate explosives? What is a Dalmatian an example of?  What’s a popular pet that’s not a cat? What’s an animal that helps blind people “see”? What’s man’s best friend? What kind of animal is the main character in Old Yeller?

3.     Use the A & Q format to assess students’ knowledge of a topic you’re planning to teach (or a topic you’ve already taught):

·         Give students an answer that related to the topic in question.

·         Challenge them to think creatively and jot down as many questions for that answer as they can.

4.     Invite students to share their responses with the class, and encourage them to build off each other’s ideas.

5.     Collect and review students’ responses to determine what students already know and understand about the given topic. Design your instructions accordingly.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Be Positive and "Post - It" - Heather, Kirsten, and Stefanie

Heather Anderson, Kirsten Slowinske, and Stefanie Fictum were noticing a escalating amount of negativity between the 5th grade girls and decided to do something about it.

We decided to put up positive post-notes in the bathrooms to motivate and inspire the students. We felt that the students were building up a strong sense of negativity and we wanted to change that. The response from the girls was incredibly surprising. The bathroom started out with 6-8 post-it notes from us and expanded to around fifty written by students- all positive. One student shared with me that it has made a huge difference in some of the girls.




Tuesday, March 3, 2015

"Teacher Leader Meeting" Information

Teacher Leader Meeting – ROE #8 at HCC


Renewal for teacher certificate:   If you are up for certificate renewal this year, you may submit your evidence on April 1, this is different than previous years where you used to be able to submit in March

Professional Development Updates & Changes:  If you are taking PD & want to use it towards your renewal certificate it has to be done before

-          July 1. Prior to July 1, 2014 Activities & coursework needed to be related to the teacher’s license, & address the professional standards relative to the area of teaching assignments.

-          From July 1, 2014-January 1, 2015 – activities & coursework would need to meet the new state standards outlined in Section 21B-45 of school code (more details in handout)

-          Beginning January 1, 2015 activities would also need to meet the same criteria as above, and PD hours would need to be issued by an approved provider.

Barat Education Foundation   =   (Teaching with Primary Sources)

This training provided many excellent inquiry based activities and will be shared on the blog throughout the rest of the school year. Here are a few of the activities:

·        Using Photographs to increase inquiry (Why that Photo? activity):  

·        VISUAL Field Trip

·         Quick writes

·        What Primary Sources are & ways to use them

·        Beat in Three Poems

-Resource used:  TPS-Barat educational site ( )  Source to look for primary sources.    >Loc.Gov  >Library Teachers Section  >Using Primary Sources

Illinois Writing Matters:   - Ideas, lesson plans, & activities for writing per grade level.

Summer PD institute:    Back to Basics         June 8th        5 days = 3 Grade Credit     

·        The plan for now is to break down each of the domains & address the different strategies, ideas, etc. to support educators (Danielson)

o   They joked & said they should title this training, “Hey, Charlotte! I want my excellence back!”  

·        There will also be breakout sessions to pick from (TBD)

o   If you or someone you know would like to present during this workshop contact Deb Endress at the ROE #8

Additional classes to be provided this summer:

·        “MAGIC” – will be co-taught by Tara Hersey and Deb Endress

·        Ag in the classroom

·        Collaborative Inquiry #1 & #2